The email database can be managed so that it can be arranged neatly so that it will make it easier for users to flash, forward, and other activities on email. The following are the steps you can take to Create an E-mail Account Data With Microsoft Excel:
- To create data e-mail accounts with excel follow the format as shown below:
- In the Email column, enter the name of the email account that you will create, don't forget to include the domain extension. If your domain is, for example, and the email address you want to create is [email protected], then write [email protected] in the email field.
- In the Password column, please enter the password for the email account that you will create and in the Quota column, enter the Quota of the email account that you will create (in MegaByte counts). Of course you can create 10, 100, 1000 or whatever email account you want, as long as your hosting supports it.
- If everything is OK, then save your file in .xls format for the name it's up to you. For example, let's just write Email.xls.