One day when you visit your website and find that your hosting account has been suspended by, it means that the hosting service has been temporarily suspended. When your hosting account is suspended, all files, e-mails, databases, and other data in your hosting directory will not be lost. However, during the suspension period, it means that your website, e-mail, and other hosting facilities cannot be accessed.

There are several things that cause your hosting account to be suspended:

  1. You Complete the Payment
    It could be that you have not completed the billing (pay) for the hosting services that we provide or you have paid but you did not confirm the payment so that our billing department does not know of your payment.
  2. Your Hosting Account Is Overloading the Server
    Your hosting account can overload the server too heavily so that it interferes with the continuity of service to other customers. Usually the load is caused by a database that is too large and not optimized, hits or visits that are too large, scripting errors, and so on. In this case will investigate further what is causing the high server load of your hosting account and provide a solution.
  3. You Abuse from Our Server
    Abuse is a violation of the terms of service. The most frequent abuse by customers is SPAM (mass e-mailing). SPAM is usually done to offer goods or services in bulk. Another abuse committed by customers, whether intentional or not, is the DDOS action by sending very large data packets to the target IP address with the aim of turning off internet services from the destination IP address.
    We always send e-mail before we suspend your Hosting Account, therefore always check the e-mail you used for hosting registration at For more information, contact our support team.
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